I was just reading an article about what happens when we die / out-of-body experiences and, I just have to say YES.
The Newtonian framework of Universe is melting away... except, quite literally and three-dimensionally, a figment of our collective imagination. Quantum Physics, the Zero-point field, whateveryouwanttocallit... GUESS WHAT KIDS??? This shit is real.
"Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven." -- Jesus (via Matt 18:18)
"Is it not written in your law, 'I said, "You are gods"'? -- Jesus (via John 10:34)
(they killed this guy, Jesus, because HE FIGURED THIS OUT. I'm not meaning to turn the faith of anyone, because ALL faiths by whatever name have their saints that have done so-called miracles.)
Seriously. I mean it, and I live it. And it takes a change in mindset that is honestly not easy (for me) to truly experience this. and there's a lot of tripping and falling and "what am I doing" that comes with this adventure...
and while most of the planet still "believes" in a 3-d reality... its kind of a greased pig to try to "prove" it to a skeptic. But has anyone Not had an experience that was just simply "unexplainable"? But its kind of funny to me that, if you accept that consciousness affects your reality, that you have to accept that a skeptic creates their own reality as well... So, Duh. Of course you can't prove it.
I have a friend of mine that lives this, and has referred to himself as "Murphy's Illegitimate Child"... he has more things 'happen' to him when he travels than the average traveller. It gives him great stories to tell, and he does look on the bright side of the tale, because he usually gets all kinds of freebies and upgrades. It's his choice to have this kind of travel experience. (It isn't mine...)
Your beliefs, which are thoughts tied up with feelings and repetition, are what are controlling your world. Change your feelings. Pick the best feeling you can feel right now. Repeat as needed. Be gentle with yourself, as it takes effort to change this. Pick a delicious mantra and repeat it, repeat it, repeat it... You're already creating your reality. Wanna pick something new? Better? Happier? JUST DO IT.
Does anyone out there Not know that there's a whole LOT of empty space in the object we call a "table" between the protons and electrons? Think about it... there's a lot more empty space than there are filled spaces... But its good that we believe that tables are solid, otherwise we'd be eating dinner on the... nevermind... no need to disassemble earth too... or ourselves...
The world is not what it appears to be. Your consciousness directly affects your experiences in ways that explains synchronicity, esp, remote viewing, shamanism, healing with prayer, and the law of attraction... and so very much more.
And? When you look at things like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle... science already gets this. Don't go to psychics unless you feel like changing the outcome. "The more you tighten your grip, Vader, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." -- Princess Leia. Smart girl. We all are our own Darth Vaders... Watch Star Wars (All 6 episodes) and pay attention to Anakin. What Yoda says to him about detatchment. About his choices. It's all the same thing, kids.
Science and Philosophy / Faith / Metaphysics are NOT that far apart (i hesitate to say that they are different, really, at all). And they're still both "maps" of a territory that we can't completely wrap words around, no matter how much we try to.
Pick a flower, shake a star.
Woo woo!!!!!
Time and Exercise (and a baby)
5 years ago
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